2113 Everglades Lane #113, The Villages, FL 32163

RescueTouch With 9-1-1 Direct Watch

RescueTouch Watch Price


Here’s how it works!

  1. One firm press of the large SOS button and it calls your local 9-1-1 operator.  That’s it, it’s a fast, simple and inexpensive hotline to 9-1-1.


  1. Voice Connect to 9-1-1
  2. Professionally Monitored
  3. Unlimited Range


#1 choice for individuals who only want a hotline to 9-1-1.  Excellent choice for individuals who want the least expensive alert service they can find. Great choice for individuals who regularly need EMS. Good choice for individuals who do not always carry a cell phone, or find the complex multi app cell phones difficult to manage.

Big Savings Ahead!

AARP, Veteran, First Responder, Nurse and Disability Discounts
Available At Checkout.